Why is coat care so important?

The fur of our four-legged friends is no longer comparable with the original fur (stick hair) of the ancestors of our present dogs, who lived in the wild. These wild dogs were able to maintain their fur very well themselves, for example by rubbing their fur along a tree or running through small bushes or shrubs and thus ridding themselves of their old, dead hair.

The fur of our four-legged friends is no longer comparable with the original fur (stick hair) of the ancestors of our present dogs, who lived in the wild. These wild dogs were able to maintain their fur very well themselves, for example by rubbing their fur along a tree or running through small bushes or shrubs and thus ridding themselves of their old, dead hair.

The domestic dogs we know today have very different coats than the dogs of earlier times. Currently, there are very many long-haired breeds. If these long hairs are not cared for, the dead hair will settle in the coat and become matted. The dog will then constantly scratch the matted fur and try to help itself by biting. The consequence is damaged skin and bloody and crusty areas.

A visit to a dog salon may be necessary even for the short-haired dog. Short haired dogs can actually shed a lot of hair. With a good trim treatment can remove all loose hair at this time

Grooming and a visit to a dog salon is often seen as a luxury, but is very important and necessary.